PERUUTUSEHDOT: Jos bändin peruutus tehdään yli 90 vrk ennen tilaisuutta, veloitetaan 10% sovitusta hinnasta. Jos bändin peruutus tehdään 15-90 vrk ennen tilaisuutta, veloitetaan 50 % sovitusta hinnasta. Mikäli sovittu varaus peruutetaan alle 15 vrk ennen tilaisuuden alkua, veloitetaan 100 % sovitusta hinnasta. Esiintymisen peruuntuessa force majeure syistä, (esim. luonnokatastrofi, tai sotatila) ei osapuolille synny korvausvelvollisuutta. Bändin velvollisuutena on soittaa sovittu keikka; bändillä on kuitenkin tarvittaessa oikeus käyttää päteviä tuuraajia.
Sopimuksen vahvistukseksi riittää viesti molemmin puolin, eli allekirjoitettua sopimusta ei tarvita, kunhan viestit on kuitattu molemminpuolisesti. Erillinen allekirjoitettu sopimus voidaan kuitenkin tehdä asiakkaan toiveesta, ja silloin käytetään erillisessä sopimuksessa määriteltyjä ehtoja.
CANCELLATION TERMS: If the cancellation of the band is made over 90 days before the event 10% of the agreed price will be charged. If the cancellation of the band is made 15-60 days before the event, 50% of the agreed price will be charged. If a the reservation is canceled less than 15 days before the start of the event, 100% of the agreed price will be charged. In the event of the performance being canceled due to force majeure reasons (such as a natural disaster or a state of war), no compensation liability will arise for either party. It is the band's obligation to perform the agreed-upon gig; however, the band has the right to use competent substitutes if necessary.
To confirm the agreement, a message from both parties is sufficient, meaning that a signed contract is not required as long as the messages are acknowledged by both parties. However, a separate signed contract can be made at the customer's request, in which case the conditions defined in the separate contract will be used.
Sopimuksen vahvistukseksi riittää viesti molemmin puolin, eli allekirjoitettua sopimusta ei tarvita, kunhan viestit on kuitattu molemminpuolisesti. Erillinen allekirjoitettu sopimus voidaan kuitenkin tehdä asiakkaan toiveesta, ja silloin käytetään erillisessä sopimuksessa määriteltyjä ehtoja.
CANCELLATION TERMS: If the cancellation of the band is made over 90 days before the event 10% of the agreed price will be charged. If the cancellation of the band is made 15-60 days before the event, 50% of the agreed price will be charged. If a the reservation is canceled less than 15 days before the start of the event, 100% of the agreed price will be charged. In the event of the performance being canceled due to force majeure reasons (such as a natural disaster or a state of war), no compensation liability will arise for either party. It is the band's obligation to perform the agreed-upon gig; however, the band has the right to use competent substitutes if necessary.
To confirm the agreement, a message from both parties is sufficient, meaning that a signed contract is not required as long as the messages are acknowledged by both parties. However, a separate signed contract can be made at the customer's request, in which case the conditions defined in the separate contract will be used.